Monday, January 18, 2016

2D/3D Art Homework #12: Annnnd we're back!

Hello, everyone! I hope you had a wonderful winter break. I know I did.

We're back at the grindstone this week with Maya, Zbrush, and posing a complex 3D model. I was surprised with this; usually making skeletons and weight-painting gives me vivid flashbacks to undergrad PTSD where I struggled very hard in this very subject, but I ended up getting in a groove and enjoying this. I think the skeleton I made ended up working pretty well.

Anyway, here's what I did. The first is the pose made in Zbrush.

I ended up being pretty proud of this one, despite how odd the controls feel in Zbrush most of the time.

Next is the skeleton I made for this guy inside of Maya. Here's an x-ray look at his insides, both in the T-pose model and the posed model.

And here's the pose, exported back to Zbrush and rendered out!

And there you have it! This was a lot of fun, and I'm very happy I feel a lot more comfortable with skeletons and weight-painting now. It helped me slay a few demons left over from undergrad animation classes. Cheers!


  1. Very nice poses, renders and presentation. I really want you to push yourself on your assignments. I know that you are, but what I mean is push to have your work feel like illustrations, do something pleasing with the background, add any paint and gradients in Phothoshop. Just use the 3D as a starting point.

    1. I'll try to do that in the future, Nick. I did download your .PSD of your Photoshop comp and I really tried to deconstruct it and make something similar, but I missed some of the steps in class, and I couldn't figure out all of the masks myself, so it ended up looking subpar even in comparison to the render.

      That having been said, I'll reach out to classmates in the future and try to figure those Photoshop steps out so I can make something a little more polished. Thank you!
