Monday, August 29, 2016

A Continuing Ballad of 3D Art, Pt. 1

Hello, everyone!

I'm pleased to announce that for my final semester at FIEA, I am actually going to be in San Francisco doing a 3D modeler internship at Zynga! I'm really excited to move to a different place and learn hands-on about what it means to be a 3D artist in the games industry. Of course, I will not be able to share anything I'm working on at Zynga, but that doesn't mean I'm going to be totally silent! I still want to force myself to continue improving so I can continue to build my portfolio for the future.

I had a lot of fun with my previous creature project, so I decided to go for another. After a little poking around, I stumbled across this fellow:

(I wish I could find a better link/reference to the original artist besides the watermark on the image, but my extensive reverse Google search hasn't brought up much. Credit goes to mDD, wherever you are, thank you!)

I picked this creature for the challenges it presents. The leaves and flowers and butterflies would provide challenges with cards, which I haven't really used as of yet. The bulkiness of the hands and the junction of where they join the arms also seems like it would provide a challenge.

I've already started working on the body, as I plan on doing the trunk-like body, legs, and arms with a sculpt and then adding the foliage, mask, and tail to that body in Maya. The next time I update, I hope to show off the body after it has been sculpted in Zbrush and retopologized in Maya! Thanks for reading!

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